ADViCE Knowledge Base

AI for Decarbonisation’s Virtual Centre of Excellence

ADViCE Webinars

The ADViCE consortium is delivering a webinar series that responds to the 7 critical decarbonisation challenges outlined in the project’s recent report. These include:

Flexibility in Energy Systems

Find link to the webinar recording here.

Challenge overview: An electrified, high renewables future requires energy demand to flex, so users consume and store energy when the wind is blowing, and the sun is shining. This requires a radical change in how networks, markets and end users operate, which also requires an introduction of new technology, presenting a host of new challenges.

Minimising methane in Agriculture

Challenge overview: Methane emissions from livestock are a major contributor to global emissions. Reducing these emissions is critical, whether through shifting to low-meat diets or more carbon-conscious livestock management.

Decarbonising Manufacturing Outputs

Challenge overview: Many manufacturing processes rely on carbon intensive fuels and/ or raw materials. Decarbonising manufacturing requires a wholesale redesign of processes and products to use low carbon inputs, but this is complex and costly.

Unlocking Domestic Decarbonisation

Find link to the webinar recording here.

Challenge overview: Decarbonising homes requires changes to both heating systems and consumer behaviours in every home in the UK. Engaging consumers in that process, financing it, and delivering it at pace are all major challenges.

Optimising Soil Management

Challenge overview: In agriculture, soil is a major source of emissions – as well as a potential route to carbon sequestration. Optimising the management of soil health from an emissions perspective is a key challenge.

Improving Manufacturing Process Efficiency

Challenge overview: For processes that are extremely hard to fully decarbonise, improving their efficiency is important in reducing emissions. This shouldn’t come at the expense of decarbonising inputs but may help accelerate decarbonisation in the short term for processes.

Enabling Net Zero Infrastructure

Challenge overview: Electrification of heating and transportation, combined with increased renewables mean the UK needs significant expansion of our electricity networks. Delivering at the required scale – and pace – is a real challenge, with lots of renewable generation being held up due to delays or uncertainty in network connections.

The webinars have been designed to bring together AI companies with potential industry adopters or those curious to learn more about specific use cases and opportunities. They will be two-way fora to foster engagement and insight, and to hear from the ecosystem. We foresee that they will be gateways to new connections and collaboration opportunities.