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License: MIT

The aim of this package is to provide a flexible and expandable framework for the methods discussed in

Package under construction

This package is currently under construction. If you have questions / requests, please send an email to tlienart σ turing.ac.uk or open an issue. If you want to try it out, you should be able to add it using the git url:

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Note about code coverage: two significant files (src/simulate.jl and src/local/simulate.jl) are hard to “cleanly” check in the usual CS sense. The guarantees are all in terms of infinite computational time which obviously we do not have. Some of the code will in the future be pulled out of the main function to have controllable chunks.


The folder examples contains a number of curated examples for either the global PDMP sampler or the local BPS. Examples such as ex_bps_mvg1.jl use the global BPS approach, mvg1 refers to the case (here a multivariate gaussian). Examples such as ex_lbps_gausschain1 use the local BPS approach, gausschain1 refers to a Markov chain with Gaussian potentials. See for example ex_lbps_gausschain1 which runs the local BPS sampler on a simple chain with standard gaussian factors.

You can have a look at the pre-run notebook. (Global BPS) You can do the same with this notebook. (Local BPS)

The examples produce .jld files which are/can then be analysed in one of the analysis notebooks (or your adapted version theoref).

How to use this framework

Global BPS

(We follow here step by step the example ex_bps_mvg3.jl)

Start by loading the library:

using PDMP

you will then need to define two things:

  1. a geometry (boundaries)
  2. an energy (gradient of log-likelihood)

At the moment, the package can handle unconstrained geometries and polygonal domains. Let’s say we want to be constrained to the positive orthan in 2D:

p                 = 2
ns, a             = eye(p), zeros(p)
geom              = PDMP.Polygonal(ns,a)
nextboundary(x,v) = PDMP.nextboundary(geom, x, v)

Here ns and a are the normals and the intercepts of the facets. The type Polygonal encapsulates that geometry. The function nextboundary returns the next boundary on the current ray [x,x+tv] with t>0 as well as the time when that hit will happen.

We then need to specify a model, in particular we need to define a function of the form gll(x) which can return the gradient of the log-likelihood at x. Here let us consider a 2D gaussian for simplicity.

P1  = randn(p,p)
P1 *= P1'
mu  = zeros(p)+1.
mvg = PDMP.MvGaussianCanon(mu, P1)

Here we have defined the gaussian through the “Canonical” representation (see src/models/gaussian.jl for others) i.e.: by specifying a mean and a precision matrix.

The gradient of the log-likelihood is then given by

gll(x) = PDMP.gradloglik(mvg, x)

Remark: if you want to implement your own model, you should define your model in src/models/yourmodel.jl and make sure it implements a gradloglik function.

Next we need to define the function which can return the first arrival time of the IPP (see algorithm). Note that you could be using nextevent_zz here as well if you wanted the Zig-Zag sampler. See src/ippsampler.jl for more.

nextevent(x, v) = PDMP.nextevent_bps(mvg, x, v)

For a Gaussian (and some other simple functions), this is analytical through an inversion-like method (see BPS paper). Another approach is the thinning approach using a bounding intensity. At the moment thinning with a linear bound is implemented (cf. src/ippsampler.jl).

Finally, you need to specify the parameters of the simulation such as the starting point, velocity, length of the path generated, rate of refreshment and maximum number of gradient evaluations.

T    = 1000.0   # length of path generated
lref = 2.0      # rate of refreshment
x0   = randn(p) # starting point
v0   = randn(p) # starting velocity
v0  /= norm(v0) # put it on the sphere (not necessary)

sim = PDMP.Simulation( x0, v0, T, nextevent, gll,
            nextboundary, lref ; maxgradeval = 10000)

And finally, generate the path and recover some details about the simulation.

(path, details) = PDMP.simulate(sim)

The path object belongs to the type Path and can be sampled using samplepath (see src/path.jl).

Local BPS

(We follow here step by step the example ex_lbps_gausschain1.jl)

The approach to using the local BPS is much the same as for the global one except that you need to specify a FactorGraph. That object will contain the structure of the factor graph (which factor is connected to which variables) as well as the list of all factors (which have a gll and nextevent since each factor can be seen individually as a small BPS).

Let’s declare a chain of bivariate gaussians:

nfac = 3 # number of factors

mvg             = PDMP.MvGaussianStandard(zeros(2),eye(2))
gll(x)          = PDMP.gradloglik(mvg, x)
nextevent(x, v) = PDMP.nextevent_bps(mvg, x, v)

# all factors have that same likelihood
chainfactor(i) = Factor(nextevent,gll,i)

# assemble into a chain graph
chain = chaingraph([chainfactor(i) for i in 1:nfac])

This is a simple graph with a known structure so that it’s already defined through the chaingraph function (in src/local/factorgraph.jl) For an arbitrary graph, you would need to provide two things:

  1. the structure of the factor graph: a list of list where each element corresponds to a factor and the corresponding list contains the indices of the variables attached to that factor
  2. the list of factors

The rest is very similar to the global BPS:

lambdaref  = .01
maxnevents = 10000
T          = Inf
nvars      = chain.structure.nvars
x0         = randn(nvars)
v0         = randn(nvars)
v0        /= norm(v0)

lsim = LocalSimulation(chain, x0, v0, T, maxnevents, lambdaref)

(all_evlist, details) = simulate(lsim)

The all_evlist object contains a list of EventList corresponding to the what happened on each of the factors. It can also be sampled using samplelocalpath (cf. src/local/event.jl).

Technical doc

Comment: this is bound to become a stand-alone document.

Understanding the code

Type aliases and Union types

Abstract types

Specific types (global)





Model types (global)

Specific types (local)


