Adding New Content

Adding New Content #

How Hugo Arranges Content #

Pages are built from content files in the content/ directory. Hugo automatically gives pages a URL based on the organisation of files in the content/ directory.

In Hugo, the first directory after content/ is significant and defines the content type. All handbook pages should be nested in the content/docs/ directory.

Sections may be created in content/docs/ (to any depth) by creating a directory containing a content file called

It is important that the index file exists for Hugo to correctly assign pages to sections and for the theme to arrange pages in the tree-like menu.

Creating a New Page #

To create a new handbook page use the hugo new command.

hugo new content/docs/<path/to/page>.md

If you wanted to create this page, you would type

hugo new content/docs/contributing/

Hugo will create a new Markdown document at the path you specified.

Hugo provides a convenient way to generate new pages from templates called Archetypes. You can see the archetypes in the archetypes/ directory .

Because your document is in the docs directory, Hugo will look for an archetype called to use as a template.

Now you can edit your page with your favourite text editor. For example

vim content/docs/contributing/

Creating a Section #

We can also use the hugo new command to create a new section, both the directory and index file. For example

hugo new content/docs/new_section/
vim content/docs/new_section/

If you only want a section to organise some pages and not to have a page of its own, you can simply leave the content section of (after the YAML front matter) empty.