Project Tracking

Project Tracking #

This page describes some of the tools we use for tracking projects and other tasks within the team. It does not go into details of how individual projects are managed, but how REG coordinates its commitments to the range of projects its involved in.

Hut23 GitHub Repo #

The Hut23 repo is the central hub for most team matters and admin.

  • Project Tracker: Board shows all upcoming, current and completed projects. There’s an issue for each project (see below). Depending on the project status, it will be in one column or another. In order to assign REG team members to projects, we use emojis to vote for the projects that we would be interested in taking part. You should react to all projects on the “Finding people” column, but also on the “Awaiting go/no-go” column. The voting system is as follows:

    • 👍 Would be okay working on this project
    • 👎 Would rather not work on this project
    • 😄 Would really like to work on this project
  • Issues: Each project has an issue following a common template, including a general description of a project and its current status, for example. There are also issues for service areas and other activities/organisational issues for the team.

Project Repos #

All repos in the Turing organisation that REG have worked on should have the hut23 tag. So if you’re looking for something from a previous project searching for these tags may be a good place to start. Additionally, they should have a tag of the format hut23-123, where 123 is the issue number for that project in the Hut23 repo.

Forecast & Wimbledon #

We use Forecast to track everyone’s allocations to projects. You can see which projects & service areas everyone in the team is currently involved in, as well as what they were allocated to in the past and will be allocated to in the future.

Wimbledon planner” is an online version of a poster we previously had in the office to display the information in Forecast. It’s easier to see allocations for a longer period, and you can click project names to take you directly to the issue describing that project in the Hut23 repo.