Software Development

Software Development Best Practices #

Status: this document is a draft proposal.

RSE projects #

  • There should be a GitHub issue for each thing we do. It’s ok for issues to evolve and my preference would be that the top description box always has the most up to date, clearest description of the issue and its definition of done. Feel free to make liberal use of the comments for communication and tracking investigative / exploratory work. The main description box should contain a clear definition of done / acceptance criteria sufficient for the following to be done in principle by different people from the team who are involved in the project.

    • Implement the functionality
    • Write tests to validate the implementation meets the definition of done
    • Review the implementation for correctness
  • All code should have automated tests, with all tests runnable by a single command by someone who has checked out a fresh copy of the repo.

  • All dependencies, installation, compilation etc should be scripted such that these can be triggered by a single command by someone who has checked out a fresh copy of the repo. Dependencies required only for testing can require a second command or few.

  • Each new issue should be developed on a short-lived feature branch split from “main”. These branches ideally only live around 0.5-2 days before being merged back into main. Merge process should be: merge main into feature branch and resolve any conflicts. Push latest feature branch to GitHub. Open PR to merge into main after review + continuous integration (CI) tests.

  • Code should be committed regularly in small chunks. You should generally be committing multiple times per day. Commits on feature branches can have broken functionality or tests, but all merges into main should only occur at commits where the code is correct and has passing tests.

  • All code commits should be accompanied by tests verifying it behaves as expected. At a minimum code submitted as a PR should have tests that show it meets the definition of done defined in the related issue(s). However, code should have additional unit / regression / integration tests where appropriate (it’s almost always appropriate). Writing code then tests is a significantly lower quality assurance measure than writing tests first / in iteration with the code, so you should do the latter.

  • All code should have had two eyeballs on it before it is merged into main, either through pair programming or code review within the PR. Please note on the PR who two eyes were. The second pair of eyes can be anyone on the project (not just a coder), anyone in our team or someone from a related team (e.g. the UCL research programming). Whether as pair programming or a code review, the final PR code should be validated against the definition of done detailed in the related issue(s) by the two pairs of eyes.

  • The GitHub repository should be set up to run all tests on all pushes to all branches and on all PRs. Currently this can be done for public repos via GitHub Actions. If CI is set up this way, commits to main should be blocked unless all tests pass.

Data Science projects #