MPHYG001: An Introduction to Agile Project Management with Github
We will teach how to manage a backlog of tasks via short working 'sprints', and coordinate a team through regular 'scrums'. The history and philosophy of Agile Development and its application to non-programming projects will be considered.The session will cover using Markdown to co-author documents in a distributed fashion and the basics of version control. You'll use the web-based GitHub interface for non-programmers and learn to use GitHub Flow so that contributions can be easily reviewed and accepted.
Trainees should bring a web-connected laptop device for this hands-on practical tutorial.
Please note, coding experience is not required to take part.
- 1000-1125: Session 1: Agile Project Management
- 1135-1300: Session 2: Version Control
- The Agile philosophy
- Components of an agile process
- Managing tasks in Github
- Roles and meetings in Scrum
- Documentation and version Control
- Content-layer presentation-layer separation
- Markdown
- Version control basics
- Branches and pull requests
You can find the course notes as HTML via the navigation bar to the left.