(log_tre_creation)= # Log TRE Creation > This task is the responsibility of {ref}`role_tresa`. 1. Move the GitHub issue tracking this TRE into the `Active long-term SREs and SHMs` column of the "TRESA - SRE board" - The project board is accessible at `https://github.com/orgs/alan-turing-institute/projects/25/views/1?layout=board` 2. Ensure that you have access to the [TRESA Sharepoint](https://thealanturininstitute.sharepoint.com/sites/tresa/SitePages/Home.aspx). 3. Add the deployment log you saved to the `logging` folder in the project TRE folder on the [TRESA Sharepoint](https://thealanturininstitute.sharepoint.com/sites/tresa/SitePages/Home.aspx). 4. Update the centralised spreadsheet on the TRESA Sharepoint that can be found in `Documents` -> `information_governance` -> `all_users_and_projects` to reflect the new TRE (go to the `Projects` tab). Importantly, specify whether this TRE will contain personal data or not.