1 clim_recal.utils.core


Utility functions.

1.1 Classes

Name Description
MonthDay A class to ease generating annual time series.

1.1.1 MonthDay

clim_recal.utils.core.MonthDay(self, month=1, day=1, format_str=ISO_DATE_FORMAT_STR)

A class to ease generating annual time series. Attributes

Name Type Description
month int What Month as an integer from 1 to 12.
day int What day in the month, an integer from 1 to 31.
format_str str Format to use if generating a str. Examples

>>> jan_1: MonthDay = MonthDay()
>>> jan_1.from_year(1980)
datetime.date(1980, 1, 1)
>>> jan_1.from_year('1980')
datetime.date(1980, 1, 1)
>>> jan_1.from_year('1980', as_str=True)
'1980-01-01' Methods

Name Description
from_year Return a date or str of date given year.
from_year_range_to_str Return an annual range str. from_year

clim_recal.utils.core.MonthDay.from_year(year, as_str=False)

Return a date or str of date given year. from_year_range_to_str

clim_recal.utils.core.MonthDay.from_year_range_to_str(start_year, end_year, split_str=DATE_FORMAT_SPLIT_STR, in_format_str=CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR, out_format_str=CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR, include_end_date=True)

Return an annual range str. Parameters
Name Type Description Default
start_year int | str Starting year to combine with self.month and self.day. required
end_year int | str Starting year to combine with self.month and self.day. required
split_str str str between start_date and end_date generated. DATE_FORMAT_SPLIT_STR
include_end_date bool Whether to include the end_date in the final str. If False follow python convention to return the day prior. True Examples
>>> jan_1: MonthDay = MonthDay()
>>> jan_1.from_year_range_to_str(1980, 1982, include_end_date=False)
>>> jan_1.from_year_range_to_str('1980', 2020)

1.2 Functions

Name Description
annual_data_path Return Path of annual data files.
annual_data_paths_generator Yield Path of annual data files.
check_package_path Return path for test running.
climate_data_mount_path Return likely climate data mount path based on operating system.
csv_reader Yield a dict per row from a CSV file at path.
date_range_generator Return a tuple of DateType objects.
date_range_to_str Take start_date and end_date and return a date range str.
date_to_str Return a str in date_format_str of date_obj.
ensure_date Ensure passed date_to_check is a date.
is_climate_data_mounted Check if CLIMATE_DATA_MOUNT_PATH is mounted.
is_platform_darwin Check if sys.platform is Darwin (macOS).
iter_to_tuple_strs Return a tuple with all components converted to strs.
multiprocess_execute Run method_name as from iter via multiprocessing.
path_iterdir Return an Generator after ensuring path exists.
product_dict Return product combinatorics of kwargs.
results_path Return Path: path/name_time.extension.
run_callable_attr Extract method_name from instance to call.
time_str Return a str of passed or generated time suitable for a file name.

1.2.1 annual_data_path

clim_recal.utils.core.annual_data_path(start_year=1980, end_year=1981, month_day=DEFAULT_CPM_START_MONTH_DAY, include_end_date=False, parent_path=None, file_name_middle_str=CPM_FILE_NAME_MIDDLE_STR, file_name_extension=NETCDF_EXTENSION, data_type=MAX_TEMP_STR, make_paths=False)

Return Path of annual data files. Examples

>>> str(annual_data_path(parent_path=Path('test/path')))

1.2.2 annual_data_paths_generator

clim_recal.utils.core.annual_data_paths_generator(start_year=1980, end_year=1986, **kwargs)

Yield Path of annual data files. Examples

>>> pprint(tuple(annual_data_paths_generator()))
>>> parent_path_example: Iterator[Path] = annual_data_paths_generator(
...     parent_path=Path('test/path'))
>>> str(next(parent_path_example))

1.2.3 check_package_path

clim_recal.utils.core.check_package_path(strict=True, try_chdir=False)

Return path for test running. Parameters

Name Type Description Default
strict bool Whether to raise a ValueError if check fails. True
try_chdir bool Whether to attempt changing directory if initial check fails False Raises

Type Description
ValueError If strict and checks fail. Returns

Type Description
Whether to check if call was successful. Examples

>>> check_package_path()
>>> chdir('..')
>>> check_package_path(strict=False)
>>> check_package_path()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: 'clim-recal' pipeline must be run in...
>>> check_package_path(try_chdir=True)

1.2.4 climate_data_mount_path

clim_recal.utils.core.climate_data_mount_path(is_darwin=None, full_path=True)

Return likely climate data mount path based on operating system. Parameters

Name Type Description Default
is_darwin bool | None Whether to use CLIMATE_DATA_MOUNT_PATH_DARWIN or call is_platform_darwin if None. fixture is_platform_darwin. None Returns

Type Description
The Path climate data would likely be mounted to.

1.2.5 csv_reader

clim_recal.utils.core.csv_reader(path, **kwargs)

Yield a dict per row from a CSV file at path. Parameters

Name Type Description Default
path PathLike CSV file Path. required
**kwargs Additional parameters for csv.DictReader. {} Examples

>>> import csv
>>> csv_path: Path = TEST_AUTH_CSV_PATH
>>> auth_dict: dict[str, str] = {
...    'sally': 'fig*new£kid',
...    'george': 'tee&iguana*sky',
...    'susan': 'history!bill-walk',}
>>> field_names: tuple[str, str] = ('user_name', 'password')
>>> with open(csv_path, 'w') as csv_file:
...     writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
...     line_num: int = writer.writerow(('user_name', 'password'))
...     for user_name, password in auth_dict.items():
...         line_num = writer.writerow((user_name, password))
>>> tuple(csv_reader(csv_path))
({'user_name': 'sally', 'password': 'fig*new£kid'},
 {'user_name': 'george', 'password': 'tee&iguana*sky'},
 {'user_name': 'susan', 'password': 'history!bill-walk'})

1.2.6 date_range_generator

clim_recal.utils.core.date_range_generator(start_date, end_date, inclusive=False, skip_dates=None, start_format_str=CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR, end_format_str=CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR, output_format_str=CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR, skip_dates_format_str=CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR, yield_type=date)

Return a tuple of DateType objects. Parameters

Name Type Description Default
start_date DateType DateType at start of time series. required
end_date DateType DateType at end of time series. required
inclusive bool Whether to include the end_date in the returned time series. False
skip_dates Iterable[DateType] | DateType | None Dates to skip between start_date and end_date. None
start_format_str str A strftime format to apply if start_date type is str. CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR
end_format_str str A strftime format to apply if end_date type is str. CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR
output_format_str str A strftime format to apply if yield_type is str. CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR
skip_dates_format_str str A strftime format to apply if any skip_dates are str. CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR
yield_type type[date] | type[str] Whether which date type to return in tuple (date or str). date Returns

Type Description
Iterator[DateType] A tuple of date or str objects (only one type throughout). Examples

>>> four_years: tuple[date] = tuple(date_range_generator('19801130', '19841130'))
>>> len(four_years)
>>> four_years_inclusive: tuple[date] = tuple(
...     date_range_generator('1980-11-30', '19841130',
...                          inclusive=True,
...                          start_format_str=ISO_DATE_FORMAT_STR))
>>> len(four_years_inclusive)
>>> four_years_inclusive_skip: tuple[date] = tuple(
...     date_range_generator('19801130', '19841130',
...                          inclusive=True,
...                          skip_dates='19840229'))
>>> len(four_years_inclusive_skip)
>>> skip_dates: tuple[date] = (date(1981, 12, 1), date(1982, 12, 1))
>>> four_years_inclusive_skip: tuple[date] = list(
...     date_range_generator('19801130', '19841130',
...                          inclusive=True,
...                          skip_dates=skip_dates))
>>> len(four_years_inclusive_skip)
>>> skip_dates in four_years_inclusive_skip

1.2.7 date_range_to_str

clim_recal.utils.core.date_range_to_str(start_date, end_date, split_str=DATE_FORMAT_SPLIT_STR, in_format_str=CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR, out_format_str=CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR, include_end_date=True)

Take start_date and end_date and return a date range str. Parameters

Name Type Description Default
start_date DateType First date in range. required
end_date DateType Last date in range required
split_str str char to split returned date range str. DATE_FORMAT_SPLIT_STR
in_format_str str A strftime format str to convert start_date from. CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR
out_format_str str A strftime format str to convert end_date from. CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR Returns

Type Description
str A str of date range from start_date to end_date in the out_format_str format. Examples

>>> date_range_to_str('20100101', '20100330')
>>> date_range_to_str(date(2010, 1, 1), '20100330')
>>> date_range_to_str(date(2010, 1, 1), '20100330', include_end_date=False)

1.2.8 date_to_str

clim_recal.utils.core.date_to_str(date_obj, in_format_str=CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR, out_format_str=CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR)

Return a str in date_format_str of date_obj. Parameters

Name Type Description Default
date_obj DateType A datetime.date or str object to convert. required
in_format_str str A strftime format str to convert date_obj from if date_obj is a str. CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR
out_format_str str A strftime format str to convert date_obj to. CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR Returns

Type Description
str A str version of date_obj in out_format_str format. Examples

>>> date_to_str('20100101')
>>> date_to_str(date(2010, 1, 1))

1.2.9 ensure_date

clim_recal.utils.core.ensure_date(date_to_check, format_str=CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR)

Ensure passed date_to_check is a date. Parameters

Name Type Description Default
date_to_check DateType Date or str to ensure is a date. required
format_str str strptime str to convert date_to_check if necessary. CLI_DATE_FORMAT_STR Returns

Type Description
date instance from date_to_check. Examples

>>> ensure_date('19801130')
datetime.date(1980, 11, 30)
>>> ensure_date(date(1980, 11, 30))
datetime.date(1980, 11, 30)

1.2.10 is_climate_data_mounted


Check if CLIMATE_DATA_MOUNT_PATH is mounted. Notes

Consider refactoring to climate_data_mount_path returns None when conditions here return False.

1.2.11 is_platform_darwin


Check if sys.platform is Darwin (macOS).

1.2.12 iter_to_tuple_strs

clim_recal.utils.core.iter_to_tuple_strs(iter_var, func=str)

Return a tuple with all components converted to strs. Parameters

Name Type Description Default
iter_var Iterable[Any] Iterable of objects that can be converted into strs. required
func Callable[[Any], str] Callable to convert each obj in iter_val to a str. str Returns

Type Description
tuple[str, …] A tuple of all iter_var elements in str format. Examples

>>> iter_to_tuple_strs(['cat', 1, Path('a/path')])
('cat', '1', 'a/path')
>>> iter_to_tuple_strs(
...     ['cat', 1, Path('a/path')],
...     lambda x: f'{x:02}' if type(x) == int else str(x))
('cat', '01', 'a/path')

1.2.13 multiprocess_execute

clim_recal.utils.core.multiprocess_execute(iter, *args, method_name=DEFAULT_CALLABLE_ATTR_NAME, progress_bar=False, bar_name='', cpus=None, include_sub_process_config=False, sub_process_progress_bar=False, **kwargs)

Run method_name as from iter via multiprocessing. Parameters

Name Type Description Default
iter Sequence Sequence of instances to iterate over calling method_name from. required
*args Any Args to pass to method_name ()
method_name str What to call from objects in inter. DEFAULT_CALLABLE_ATTR_NAME
progress_bar bool Whether to render a progress bar. False
bar_name str Passed to description parameter for progress bar. ''
cpus int | None Number of cpus to pass to Pool for multiprocessing. None
include_sub_process_config bool Include configurations specific to multiprocessess (eg. progress_bar config) False
sub_process_progress_bar bool Whether to include progress_bar within each multiprocess run. False
**kwargs Any Args to pass to method_name {} Examples

>>> test_strs: tuple[tuple[str], ...] = (('the third'), ('man'))
>>> multiprocess_execute(test_strs, method_name="split")
[['the', 'third'], ['man']]
>>> test_strs = (('lumbar'), ('puncture'))
>>> multiprocess_execute(test_strs, 'u', method_name="split")
[['l', 'mbar'], ['p', 'nct', 're']]
>>> multiprocess_execute(test_strs, 'u', method_name="split",
...                      progress_bar=True)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100%...
[['l', 'mbar'], ['p', 'nct', 're']] Notes

Failed asserting cpus <= total - 1.

1.2.14 path_iterdir

clim_recal.utils.core.path_iterdir(path, strict=False)

Return an Generator after ensuring path exists. Parameters

Name Type Description Default
path PathLike Path to folder to iterate through. required
strict bool Whether to raise FileNotFoundError if path not found. False Raises

Type Description
FileNotFoundError Raised if strict = True and path does not exist. Returns

Type Description
Generator[Optional[Path], None, None] None if FileNotFoundError error and strict is False. Examples

>>> tmp_path = getfixture('tmp_path')
>>> from os import chdir
>>> chdir(tmp_path)
>>> example_path: Path = Path('a/test/path')
>>> example_path.exists()
>>> tuple(path_iterdir(example_path.parent))
>>> tuple(path_iterdir(example_path.parent, strict=True))
Traceback (most recent call last):
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'a/test'
>>> example_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True)
>>> example_path.touch()
>>> tuple(path_iterdir(example_path.parent))
>>> example_path.unlink()
>>> tuple(path_iterdir(example_path.parent))

1.2.15 product_dict


Return product combinatorics of kwargs. Examples

>>> pprint(tuple(
...     product_dict(animal=['cat', 'fish'], activity=('swim', 'eat'))))
({'activity': 'swim', 'animal': 'cat'},
 {'activity': 'eat', 'animal': 'cat'},
 {'activity': 'swim', 'animal': 'fish'},
 {'activity': 'eat', 'animal': 'fish'})

1.2.16 results_path

clim_recal.utils.core.results_path(name, path=None, time=None, extension=None, mkdir=False, dot_pre_extension=True)

Return Path: path/name_time.extension. Examples

>>> str(results_path('hads', 'test_example/folder', extension='cat'))

1.2.17 run_callable_attr

clim_recal.utils.core.run_callable_attr(instance, *args, method_name=DEFAULT_CALLABLE_ATTR_NAME, **kwargs)

Extract method_name from instance to call. Parameters

Name Type Description Default
instance object object to call method_name from. required
*args Parameters passed to method_name from instance. ()
method_name str Name of method on object to call. DEFAULT_CALLABLE_ATTR_NAME
**kwargs Parameters passed to method_name from instance. {} Notes

This is primarily meant to address issues with pickle, particularly when using multiprocessing and lambda functions yield pickle errors. Examples

>>> jan_1: MonthDay = MonthDay()
>>> run_callable_attr(jan_1, 1984, method_name='from_year')
datetime.date(1984, 1, 1)

1.2.18 time_str

clim_recal.utils.core.time_str(time=None, format=RUN_TIME_STAMP_FORMAT, replace_char_tuple=None)

Return a str of passed or generated time suitable for a file name. Parameters

Name Type Description Default
time date | datetime | None Time to format. Will be set to current time if None is passed, and add current time if a date is passed to convert to a datetime. None
format str strftime str format to return time as. If replace_chars is passed, these will be used to replace those in strftime. RUN_TIME_STAMP_FORMAT
replace_char_tuple tuple[str, str] | None tuple of (char_to_match, char_to_replace) order. None Examples

>>> time_str(datetime(2024, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10))
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