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Combination features are those which have transformation_type equal to combine_linear, combine_min, and combine_max. These features use the values of two or more subfeatures to create a new feature. Because the form of the JSON required for combination features differs from those of all other features, they are given special attention in this vignette.

JSON structure

Of all the top-level JSON keys specified in the feature overview, only output_feature_name and transformation_type are still required for combination features. As before, output_feature_name is the name of the feature that will be created. The value of transformation_type can be:

  • combine_linear: calculate a linear combination of the features
  • combine_min: calculate the minimum of the features
  • combine_max: calculate the maximum of the features

On top of these, combination features require a subfeature key, which is itself a JSON object. Its keys can be any string (though it helps to be descriptive), and its values are the JSON objects which define those subfeatures, sans output_feature_name (because those are not required). Note that each subfeature may have a different source_table key, which allows the subfeatures to come from different input tables.

For linear combinations, each subfeature must further contain a weight key, which is a number that determines the coefficients of each feature in the linear combination.

Minimum and maximum combination

As before, let’s make up some data to illustrate this.

input_table <- data.frame(
  id = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
  diagnosis = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B")

#>   id diagnosis
#> 1  1         A
#> 2  1         A
#> 3  1         A
#> 4  1         A
#> 5  2         A
#> 6  2         A
#> 7  2         B
#> 8  2         B

Suppose we want to find the number of times a patient has been diagnosed with “A” or the number of times they have been diagnosed with “B”, whichever is greater.

The number of “A” diagnoses would ordinarily be specified using the following JSON:

    "output_feature_name": "num_A",
    "source_table": "input_table",
    "transformation_type": "count",
    "absent_default_value": 0,
    "grouping_column": "id",
    "filter": {
        "column": "diagnosis",
        "type": "in",
        "value": ["A"]

and the number of “B” diagnoses would be exactly identical to this, except with “A” replaced with “B”.

The combination feature we seek can thus be specified as in json_examples/combination1.json. Each subfeature is exactly the same as above, except that the output_feature_name key is omitted:

  "output_feature_name": "max_of_A_and_B",
  "transformation_type": "combine_max",
  "subfeature": {
    "num_A": {
      "source_table": "input_table",
      "grouping_column": "id",
      "transformation_type": "count",
      "absent_default_value": 0,
      "filter": {
        "column": "diagnosis",
        "type": "in",
        "value": [
    "num_B": {
      "source_table": "input_table",
      "grouping_column": "id",
      "transformation_type": "count",
      "absent_default_value": 0,
      "filter": {
        "column": "diagnosis",
        "type": "in",
        "value": [

Running this gives us the expected values of 4 and 2 for the two patients respectively:

results <- run_pipeline(
  data_sources = list(input_table = input_table),
  feature_filenames = "json_examples/combination1.json"

#>   id max_of_A_and_B
#> 1  1              4
#> 2  2              2

Linear combination

Linear combinations allow you to calculate, for example, a weighted sum of two features. Suppose we want to assign a score of 10 for every “A” diagnosis and 20 for every “B” diagnosis. We can use the same JSON as above, but with two minor modifications:

  • the transformation_type key set to combine_linear
  • the weight key is added to each subfeature, with an appropriate value

The result is json_examples/combination2.json:

  "output_feature_name": "linear",
  "transformation_type": "combine_linear",
  "subfeature": {
    "A_score": {
      "weight": 10,
      "source_table": "input_table",
      "grouping_column": "id",
      "transformation_type": "count",
      "absent_default_value": 0,
      "filter": {
        "column": "diagnosis",
        "type": "in",
        "value": [
    "B_score": {
      "weight": 20,
      "source_table": "input_table",
      "grouping_column": "id",
      "transformation_type": "count",
      "absent_default_value": 0,
      "filter": {
        "column": "diagnosis",
        "type": "in",
        "value": [

and running it:

results <- run_pipeline(
  data_sources = list(input_table = input_table),
  feature_filenames = "json_examples/combination2.json"

#>   id linear
#> 1  1     40
#> 2  2     60

Note that for a simple unweighted sum of features, all weights can be set to 1; and to take the difference between two features, one weight can be set to 1 and the other to -1.

See also

Feature 3 in the LTC example vignette is an example of a combination feature, in this case, a sum of three subfeatures.