Source code for xpandas.data_container.data_container

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def _check_all_elements_have_the_same_property(array, func):
    Helper function that checks if all elements have the same func(element) value.
    :param array: input values
    :param func: any callable object
    :return: tuple. the first element indicates is all elements are have the same func(element) value,
             second element is a value of func(element)
    if len(array) == 0:
        return True, None
        first_element_type = func(array[0])
        return True, None
    do_all_have_property = all(func(x) == first_element_type
                               for x in array)

    return do_all_have_property, first_element_type

def _is_class_a_primitive(cls):
    Check if class is a number or string including numpy numbers
    :param cls: any class
    :return: True if class is a primitive class, else False
    primitives = [
        np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, np.float128,
        np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64,
        bool, str, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64,
        int, float
    return cls in primitives

[docs]class XSeries(pd.Series): ''' XSeries is an homogeneous abstract 1d container that encapsulates any data type inside. It is an extension of pandas.Series class. XSeries has a property data_type that is a type ot objects that are inside XSeries. ''' _metadata = ['data_type'] @property def _constructor(self): return XSeries @property def _constructor_expanddim(self): return XDataFrame def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' The same arguments as for pandas.Series In order to create XSeries of any data_type, data argument must be a pythons list. For example, to create XSeries of pandas.Series, pass data should be data = [s_1, s2, ..., s3] where s_i is a instance of pandas.Series. ''' super(XSeries, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) data = kwargs.get('data') if data is None: data = args[0] check_result, data_type = _check_all_elements_have_the_same_property(data, type) if not check_result: raise ValueError('Not all elements the same type') if data_type is not None: self._data_type = data_type else: self._data_type = type(data._values[0])
[docs] def apply(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Overwrite standart pandas.Series method. Apply transform function to all elements in self. *If transform function return dict like object, transform XSeries to XDataFrame see XDataFrame constructor* :param func: function to apply :param prefix: prefix for columns if needs to return XDataFrame object :return: XSeries of XDataFrame depending on transformation ''' func = kwargs.get('func') if func is None: func = args[0] # TODO # Possibly change to handle NaN mapped_series = self.dropna() mapped_series =, na_action='ignore') mapped_data_type = mapped_series.data_type custom_prefix = kwargs.get('prefix') if custom_prefix is None: custom_prefix = else: custom_prefix = '{}_{}'.format(, custom_prefix) if mapped_series.__is_data_type_dict_like(): custom_df = XDataFrame.from_records(mapped_series.values) if custom_prefix is not None: custom_df.columns = x: '{}_{}'.format(custom_prefix, x)) return custom_df elif mapped_data_type == pd.DataFrame: return pd.concat(mapped_series.values, ignore_index=True) else: = custom_prefix return mapped_series
def __is_data_type_dict_like(self): ''' Check if data encapsulated by self is instance of dict ''' return isinstance(self.iloc[0], dict) @property def data_type(self): ''' Getter for a data_type property data_type is a data type that self encapsulates For example, if self is contains images, that data_type would be Image ''' first_element_data_type = type(self.iloc[0]) self._data_type = first_element_data_type return self._data_type @data_type.setter def data_type(self, data_type): ''' Setter for a data_type property data_type is a data type that self encapsulates For example, if self is contains images, that data_type would be Image ''' self._data_type = data_type
[docs] def to_pandas_series(self): ''' Convert self to pandas.Series if data_type is a primitive type etc. number of string :return: Pandas Series or raise exception if data_type is not a primitive type ''' is_primitive = _is_class_a_primitive(self.data_type) if is_primitive: self.__class__ = pd.Series else: raise ValueError('Unable to cast to pd.Series. {} is not a primitive type.'.format(self.data_type)) return self
def __str__(self): s = super(XSeries, self).__str__() return '{}\ndata_type: {}'.format(s, self.data_type) def __getitem__(self, key): return super(XSeries, self).__getitem__(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): value_type = type(value) if value_type != self.data_type: raise ValueError('Can not assign key {} with {} wrong data_type {} correct is {}'.format( key, value, value_type, self.data_type )) return super(XSeries, self).__setitem__(key, value)
[docs]class XDataFrame(pd.DataFrame): ''' XDataFrame is 2d container that stores XSeries objects XDataFrame is an extension of pandas.DataFrame object ''' @property def _constructor(self): return XDataFrame @property def _constructor_sliced(self): return XSeries def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' The same arguments as for pandas.DataFrame data argument should be a list of XSeries objects or dict of XSeries objects. In dict is passed, key must be a string and it's indicate appropriate column name. For example, to create XDataFrame data should looks like data = {'col_1': s_1, 'col_2': s_2, ..., 'col_n': s_n} where s_i is a XSeries ''' data = kwargs.get('data') if data is None: data = args[0] data_to_check = [] if isinstance(data, list): data_to_check = data elif isinstance(data, dict): data_to_check = data.values() for d in data_to_check: if not isinstance(d, XSeries): raise ValueError('All data must be XSeries instances') super(XDataFrame, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_columns_of_type(self, column_type): ''' Get all columns from XDataFrame with given column_type :param column_type: list of types or a single type :return: tuple. the first element is subMultiDataFrame and second is a list of column of a given column_type ''' if type(column_type) != list: column_type = [column_type] columns_to_select = [ col_name for col_name in self if self[col_name].data_type in column_type ] return self[columns_to_select], columns_to_select
[docs] def get_data_types(self): ''' Get a list of data_types of each XSeries inside XDataFrame :return: list of data_type ''' data_types = [ self[column].data_type for column in self ] return data_types
[docs] def to_pandas_dataframe(self): ''' Convert self to pandas.DataFrame if all columns are primitive types. See more at XSeries.to_pandas_series :return: ''' data_types = self.get_data_types() is_all_columns_are_primitive = all( _is_class_a_primitive(dt) for dt in data_types ) if is_all_columns_are_primitive: self.__class__ = pd.DataFrame else: raise ValueError('Unable to cast to pd.DataFrame. {} is not all primitives.'.format(self.data_types)) return self
[docs] def concat_dataframes(cls, data_frames): ''' Concatenate XDataFrame using pandas.concat method over columns :param data_frames: list of XDataFrame instances :return: XDataFrame — concatenated list of data_frames ''' return pd.concat(data_frames, axis=1)