
Local sampler

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Generic model

A model must be an immutable type with an associated gradloglik function. It is important this function be coded as efficiently as possible since it is called a large number of time in any simulation.

Multivariate Gaussian

Hierarchy of types

Multiple parametrisation are possible. Some being more efficient than others while some are maybe more intuitive than others.

MvGaussian (abstract)
| — MvGaussianStandard
| — MvDiagonalGaussian
| — MvGaussianCanon
| — MvGaussianNatural

In the sequel we write $\mu$ the mean, $\Sigma$ the covariance matrix and $\Omega$ the precision matrix. The different way to parametrise the distributions are as follows:

The preferred way is the "canonical" representation (most efficient).

Note: "direct" means that these are the parameters passed to the constructor while "indirect" means that these values are computed when the constructor is called.

Auxiliary functions

Internally, the types mentioned above are shortened to MvGS, MvDG etc. Then a number of simplifying functions are defined (these simplify the computation of the log-likelihood and gradient of the log-likelihood)

gradloglik is then trivial to compute.

Logistic Regression

The logistic regression considers a feature matrix X, a response y, the Lipschitz constant associated to it and dimensionality parameters.

Auxiliary functions

A number of auxiliary functions are defined to prevent numerical instabilities and ensure that the computation of the log-likelihood and gradient of the log-likelihood can be expressed simply.

The gradloglik_cv considers a control-variate gradient developed around a given point (see this paper for more details).

Note: the response is in $\{-1,1\}$.

Probabilistic Matrix Factorisation

This model considers a normal distribution on every entry of a matrix $r_{ij}$:

\begin{equation} \mathcal N(r_{ij}; \langle u,v\rangle , \sigma^2) \end{equation}

The resulting intensity can be shown to be a truncated cubic for which we can in fact also do exact sampling.

The pmf_case* correspond to the various possible cases depending on where the roots of the cubic are.