7  Full tool installation

This guide allows you to install the full SPC tool to run a custom area.

7.1 Dependencies

7.2 Compiling SPC

git clone https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/uatk-spc/
cd uatk-spc
# The next command will take a few minutes the first time you do it, to build external dependencies
cargo build --release

7.3 Troubleshooting downloading

If you get an error No such file or directory (os error 2) it might be because a previous attempt to run SPC failed, and some necessary files were not fully downloaded. In these cases you could try deleting the data/raw_data directory and then running SPC again. It should automatically try to download the big files again.

If you have trouble downloading any of the large files, you can download them manually. The logs will contain a line such as Downloading https://ramp0storage.blob.core.windows.net/nationaldata/QUANT_RAMP_spc.tar.gz to data/raw_data/nationaldata/QUANT_RAMP_spc.tar.gz. This tells you the URL to retrieve, and where to put the output file. Note that SPC won’t attempt to download files if they already exist, so if you wind up with a partially downloaded file, you have to manually remove it.