Adding secrets to the Key Vault#

Hub23 requires some secrets, passwords, tokens etc. for functionality.

  • SSH keys for accessing the Kubernetes cluster

  • API and secret token

Create a secrets folder#

Create a folder to save secret files to. This will be git-ignored by this repo.

mkdir .secret/

Generate the SSH keys#

The following command will generate a pair of ssh keys, one private and one public (appended with .pub), and save them to files in the .secret/ folder.

ssh-keygen --file .secret/ssh-key-hub23cluster

We have appended the file names with hub23cluster which is the cluster name we will assign to the Kubernetes cluster on deployment. The name follows the same rule as the key vault.

Add the SSH keys to the vault#

Add the private key:

az keyvault secret set \
    --vault-name hub23-keyvault \
    --name ssh-key-hub23cluster-private \
    --file .secret/ssh-key-hub23cluster

Add the public key:

az keyvault secret set \
    --vault-name hub23-keyvault \
    --name ssh-key-hub23cluster-public \
    --file .secret/

Now delete the local copies of the SSH keys.

rm .secret/ssh-key-hub23cluster*

Add API and secret tokens to the vault#

We can create the tokens and save them to the vault in one step using the --value argument.

Add the API token:

az keyvault secret set \
    --vault-name hub23-keyvault \
    --name apiToken \
    --value $(openssl rand -hex 32)

Add the secret token:

az keyvault secret set \
    --vault-name hub23-keyvault \
    --name secretToken \
    --value $(openssl rand -hex 32)