Enable Network Policies#

The BinderHub helm chart contains network policies designed to restrict access to pods and the JupyterHub. However, the Kubernetes cluster will not be automatically configured to obey these network policies. Therefore, we need create a virtual network (vnet) and sub network (subnet) with network policies enabled so that these pod traffic restrictions are obeyed.


Since Hub23 now shares the same Kubernetes infrastructure as the Turing Federation BinderHub, the following docs are only here for clarity and should not be acted upon without first notifying the mybinder.org operating team and removing the Turing’s BinderHub from the Federation.

Create a VNET#

az network vnet create \
    --resource-group hub23 \
    --name hub23-vnet \
    --address-prefixes \
    --subnet-name hub23-subnet \
  • --address-prefixes: IP address prefixes for the VNet;

  • --subnet-prefix: IP address prefixes in CIDR format for the new subnet.

Retrieve the VNet ID#

This saves the VNet ID into a bash variable.

    az network vnet show \
    --resource-group hub23 \
    --name hub23-vnet \
    --query id \
    --output tsv

Assign the Contributor role to the Service Principal for accessing the VNet#

az role assignment create \
    --assignee $(cat .secret/appId.txt) \
    --scope $VNET_ID \
    --role Contributor


You must have Owner permissions on the subscription for this step to work.

Retrieve the subnet ID#

This will save the subnet ID to a bash variable.

    az network vnet subnet show \
    --resource-group hub23 \
    --vnet-name hub23-vnet \
    --name hub23-subnet \
    --query id \
    --output tsv