Service Principal#

When deploying a Kubernetes cluster onto Azure, a Service Principal is required. A Service Principal is a protocol, consisting of an app ID and a key, that grants the cluster permissions to act on behalf of both the user and itself. REG members presently don’t have permissions to create Service Principals and so IT Services create them on our behalf via a TopDesk request. It is then recommended to save the Service Principal to the key vault for safe-keeping.

Add the app ID:

az keyvault secret set \
    --vault-name hub23-keyvault \
    --name appId \
    --value <redacted>

Add the key:

az keyvault secret set \
    --vault-name hub23-keyvault \
    --name appKey \
    --value <redacted>

Download the app ID and save to a file:

az keyvault secret download \
    --vault-name hub23-keyvault \
    --name appId \
    --file .secret/appId.txt

Download the key and save to a file:

az keyvault secret download \
    --vault-name hub23-keyvault \
    --name appKey \
    --file .secret/appKey.txt