Deploying cert-manager#

Deploying cert-manager into a namespace#


Since Hub23 shares infrastructure with the, this step should not be executed. Instead the cert-manager deployment should be managed from the repo

Create a namespace for cert-manager#

kubectl create namespace cert-manager

Add the cert-manager chart repo to Helm#

helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update

Install the Custom Resource Definitions#

kubectl apply -f{INSERT_VERSION_NUMBER_HERE}/cert-manager.crds.yaml

Install using Helm#

helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
    --version VERSION \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace cert-manager \
    --timeout 5m0s \

Performing a helm upgrade with the cert-manager configs#

When running helm upgrade, append either -f deploy/letsencrypt-staging.yaml or -f deploy/letsencrypt-prod.yaml to the command to enable the annotations in the cluster. Using the staging config will allow you to test that cert-manager is installed and working correctly, whereas the prod config will actually request certificates for your domain.