Download the required secrets#

We will require some info from the key vault in order to deploy the Kubernetes cluster and the BinderHub.

Create a secrets folder#

Create a folder in which to download the secrets so. This will be git-ignored.

mkdir .secret

Download the secrets#

We will require the following secrets:

  • Service Principal app ID and key

  • public SSH key

They should be downloaded to files in the .secret folder so that they are git-ignored.

Download the Service Principal:

az keyvault secret download \
    --vault-name hub23-keyvault \
    --name appId \
    --file .secret/appId.txt
az keyvault secret download \
    --vault-name hub23-keyvault \
    --name appKey \
    --file .secret/appKey.txt

Download the public SSH key:

az keyvault secret download \
    --vault-name hub23-keyvault \
    --name ssh-key-hub23cluster-public \
    --file .secret/