Downloading Secrets from the Key Vault#

Saving secrets to files#

We can download the secrets and save them to files like so. They should be downloaded into the .secret/ folder so that they are git-ignored. We will need certain secrets in order to create the config.yaml and secret.yaml files to deploy and upgrade Hub23.

Download the SSH keys#

Download the private key:

az keyvault secret download \
    --vault-name hub23-keyvault \
    --name ssh-key-hub23cluster-private \
    --file .secret/ssh-key-hub23cluster

Download the public key:

az keyvault secret download \
    --vault-name hub23-keyvault \
    --name ssh-key-hub23cluster-public \
    --file .secret/

Download the API and secret tokens#

Download the API token:

az keyvault secret download \
    --vault-name hub23-keyvault \
    --name apiToken \
    --file .secret/apiToken.txt

Download the secret token:

az keyvault secret download \
    --vault-name hub3-keyvault \
    --name secretToken \
    --file .secret/secretToken.txt

Saving secrets to bash variables#

You may not wish to download the secrets to a file but rather save them to a bash variable instead. This can be achieved like so, using the API token as an example case:

    az keyvault secret show
    --vault-name hub23-keyvault
    --name apiToken
    --query value
    --output tsv


Here, tsv stands for ‘Tab Separated Variable’.