Contributing to the Docs#

We welcome all documentation contributions, from fixing small typos to adding comprehensive tutorials. This guide will help you get started.


Before contributing, please read our contributing guide to understand our workflow.

To test the changes you make to the docs, install the package with Poetry (development mode) which includes the Jupyter book package. This will allow you to build the documentation locally via the command prompt so long as the python environment activated.

Types of Documentation Contributions#

1. Fixing typos and small changes#

  1. Navigate to the relevant file in the docs/ directory

  2. Make your changes

  3. From the top level of the repo, build the docs locally to verify your changes (drop the --all flag to build only the changed files):

    jupyter-book build docs --all
  4. Open the generated file docs/_build/html/index.html in your browser to preview.

2. Adding tutorials#

  1. Create a new Jupyter notebook in docs/tutorials/

  2. Include:

    • Clear introduction and objectives

    • Step-by-step instructions

    • Code examples

  3. Add your tutorial to the table of contents:

    • Open _toc.yml in the docs/ directory

    • Add an entry for your new tutorial

  4. Build and verify the docs as described above

3. Updating API documentation#

The API documentation is generated from source code docstrings. There are two scenarios:

Modifying existing API docs#

Simply update the docstring in the source code and rebuild:

jupyter-book build docs --all

Adding new API docs#

  1. Create a new .rst file in docs/community/reference/

  2. Add the file to _toc.yml

  3. Ensure your source code has comprehensive docstrings

  4. Build the documentation