class AutoEmulate[source]#

Bases: object

The AutoEmulate class is the main class of the AutoEmulate package. It is used to set up and compare different emulator models on a given dataset. It can also be used to summarise and visualise results, to save and load models and to run sensitivity analysis.

setup(X, y, param_search=False, param_search_type='random', param_search_iters=20, test_set_size=0.2, scale=True, scaler=StandardScaler(), reduce_dim=False, dim_reducer=PCA(), cross_validator=KFold(n_splits=5, random_state=6929, shuffle=True), n_jobs=None, models=None, verbose=0, log_to_file=False, print_setup=True)[source]#

Sets up the automatic emulation.

  • X (array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)) – Simulation input.

  • y (array-like, shape (n_samples, n_outputs)) – Simulation output.

  • param_search (bool) – Whether to perform hyperparameter search over predifined parameter grids.

  • param_search_type (str) – Type of hyperparameter search to perform. Currently only “random”, which picks random parameter settings from a grid param_search_iters times.

  • param_search_iters (int) – Number of parameter settings that are sampled. Only used if param_search=True.

  • scale (bool, default=True) – Whether to scale features/parameters in X before fitting the models using a scaler.

  • scaler (sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler) – Scaler to use. Defaults to StandardScaler. Can be any sklearn scaler.

  • reduce_dim (bool, default=False) – Whether to reduce the dimensionality of the data before fitting the models.

  • dim_reducer (sklearn.decomposition object) – Dimensionality reduction method to use. Can be any method in sklearn.decomposition with an n_components parameter. Defaults to PCA. Specify n_components like so: dim_reducer=PCA(n_components=2) for choosing 2 principal components, or dim_reducer=PCA(n_components=0.95) for choosing the number of components that explain 95% of the variance. Other methods can have slightly different n_components parameter inputs, see the sklearn documentation for more details. Dimension reduction is always performed after scaling.

  • cross_validator (sklearn.model_selection object) – Cross-validation strategy to use. Defaults to KFold with 5 splits and shuffle=True. Can be any object in sklearn.model_selection that generates train/test indices.

  • n_jobs (int) – Number of jobs to run in parallel. None means 1, -1 means using all processors.

  • models (list) – str or list of model names. If None, uses a set of core models.

  • verbose (int) – Verbosity level. Can be 0, 1, or 2.

  • log_to_file (bool) – Whether to log to file.

  • print_setup (bool) – Whether to print the setup of the AutoEmulate object.


Compares models using cross-validation, with the option to perform hyperparameter search. self.setup() must be run first.


self.best_model – Emulator with the highest cross-validation R2 score.

Return type:


get_model(name=None, rank=1, metric='r2')[source]#

Get a fitted model based on its name or rank in the comparison.

  • name (str) – Name of the model to return. Can be full name or short name, e.g. “GaussianProcess” or “gp”. Short name abbreviations are the uppercase first letter of each word in the full name (e.g. “GaussianProcess” -> “gp”).

  • rank (int) – Rank of the model to return. Defaults to 1, which is the best model, 2 is the second best, etc.

  • metric (str) – Metric to use for determining the best model.


model – Model fitted on full data.

Return type:



Refits model on full data. This is useful, as compare() runs only on the training data. :param model: :type model: model to refit.


model – Refitted model.

Return type:


save(model=None, path=None)[source]#

Saves model to disk.

  • model (sklearn model, optional) – Model to save. If None, saves the model with the best average cv score.

  • path (str) – Path to save the model.


Loads a model from disk.


path (str) – Path to model.


Print the parameters of the AutoEmulate object.

summarise_cv(model=None, sort_by='r2')[source]#

Summarise cv results.

  • model (str, optional) – Name of the model to get cv results for. If None, summarises results for all models.

  • sort_by (str, optional) – The metric to sort by. Default is “r2”, can also be “rmse”.


DataFrame summarising cv results.

Return type:


summarize_cv(model=None, sort_by='r2')#

Summarise cv results.

  • model (str, optional) – Name of the model to get cv results for. If None, summarises results for all models.

  • sort_by (str, optional) – The metric to sort by. Default is “r2”, can also be “rmse”.


DataFrame summarising cv results.

Return type:


plot_cv(model=None, style='Xy', n_cols=3, figsize=None, output_index=0, input_index=0)[source]#

Plots the results of the cross-validation.

  • model (str) – Name of the model to plot. If None, plots best folds of each models. If a model name is specified, plots all folds of that model.

  • style (str, optional) – The type of plot to draw: “Xy” for plotting observed and predicted values vs. features, including 2σ error bands where available (default). “actual_vs_predicted” for plotting observed values (y-axis) vs. the predicted values (x-axis). “residual_vs_predicted” for plotting the residuals, i.e. difference between observed and predicted values, (y-axis) vs. the predicted values (x-axis).

  • n_cols (int) – Number of columns in the plot grid.

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Overrides the default figure size, in inches, e.g. (6, 4).

  • output_index (int) – Index of the output to plot. Default is 0. Can be a single index or a list of indices.

  • input_index (int) – Index of the input to plot. Default is 0. Can be a single index or a list of indices.

evaluate(model=None, multioutput='uniform_average')[source]#

Evaluates the model on the test set.

Test set size can be specified in setup() with test_set_size.

  • model (object) – Fitted model

  • multioutput (str, optional) – Defines aggregating of multiple output scores. ‘raw_values’ : returns scores for each target ‘uniform_average’ : scores are averaged uniformly ‘variance_weighted’ : scores are averaged weighted by their individual variances


scores_df – Dataframe containing the model scores on the test set.

Return type:


plot_eval(model, style='Xy', n_cols=3, figsize=None, output_index=0, input_index=0)[source]#

Visualise model predictive performance on the test set.

  • model (object) – Fitted model.

  • style (str, optional) – The type of plot to draw: “Xy” observed and predicted values vs. features, including 2σ error bands where available (default). “actual_vs_predicted” draws the observed values (y-axis) vs. the predicted values (x-axis) (default). “residual_vs_predicted” draws the residuals, i.e. difference between observed and predicted values, (y-axis) vs. the predicted values (x-axis).

  • n_cols (int, optional) – Number of columns in the plot grid for multi-output. Default is 2.

  • output_index (list, int) – Index of the output to plot. Either a single index or a list of indices.

  • input_index (list, int) – Index of the input to plot. Either a single index or a list of indices. Only used if style=”Xy”.

sensitivity_analysis(model=None, problem=None, N=1024, conf_level=0.95, as_df=True)[source]#

Perform Sobol sensitivity analysis on a fitted emulator.

Sobol sensitivity analysis is a variance-based method that decomposes the variance of the model output into contributions from individual input parameters and their interactions. It calculates: - First-order indices (S1): Direct contribution of each input parameter - Second-order indices (S2): Contribution from pairwise interactions between parameters - Total-order indices (ST): Total contribution of a parameter, including all its interactions

  • model (object, optional) – Fitted model. If None, uses the best model from cross-validation.

  • problem (dict, optional) –

    The problem definition dictionary. If None, the problem is generated from X using minimum and maximum values of the features as bounds. The dictionary should contain:

    • ’num_vars’: Number of input variables (int)

    • ’names’: List of variable names (list of str)

    • ’bounds’: List of [min, max] bounds for each variable (list of lists)

    • ’output_names’: Optional list of output names (list of str)


    problem = {
        "num_vars": 2,
        "names": ["x1", "x2"],
        "bounds": [[0, 1], [0, 1]],
        "output_names": ["y1", "y2"]  # optional

  • N (int, optional) – Number of samples to generate for the analysis. Higher values give more accurate results but increase computation time. Default is 1024.

  • conf_level (float, optional) – Confidence level (between 0 and 1) for calculating confidence intervals of the sensitivity indices. Default is 0.95 (95% confidence).

  • as_df (bool, optional) – If True, returns results as a long-format pandas DataFrame with columns for parameters, sensitivity indices, and confidence intervals. If False, returns the raw SALib results dictionary. Default is True.


If as_df=True (default), returns a DataFrame with columns:

  • ’parameter’: Input parameter name

  • ’output’: Output variable name

  • ’S1’, ‘S2’, ‘ST’: First, second, and total order sensitivity indices

  • ’S1_conf’, ‘S2_conf’, ‘ST_conf’: Confidence intervals for each index

If as_df=False, returns the raw SALib results dictionary.

Return type:

pandas.DataFrame or dict


The analysis requires N * (2D + 2) model evaluations, where D is the number of input parameters. For example, with N=1024 and 5 parameters, this requires 12,288 evaluations.

plot_sensitivity_analysis(results, index='S1', n_cols=None, figsize=None)[source]#

Plot the sensitivity analysis results.



The results from sobol_results_to_df.

indexstr, default “S1”

The type of sensitivity index to plot. - “S1”: first-order indices - “S2”: second-order/interaction indices - “ST”: total-order indices

n_colsint, optional

The number of columns in the plot. Defaults to 3 if there are 3 or more outputs, otherwise the number of outputs.

figsizetuple, optional

Figure size as (width, height) in inches.If None, automatically calculated.