3. Research Data in Python
3. Research Data in Python#
Fields and records
Structured data: JSON and YAML
Numpy: Efficient vector and matrix operations
Matplotlib: Plotting and animations
3.0 Scientific Python (5 minutes)
3.1 Field and Record Data (20 minutes)
3.2 Structured Data (15 minutes)
3.3 Plotting with Matplotlib (25 minutes)
3.4 NumPy (20 minutes)
3.5 Advanced NumPy (20 minutes)
3.6 The Boids (45 minutes)
Total time: 2 hrs 30 minutes
Classroom exercises are grouped together at the end of the module: 3.7 Classroom Exercises. Each exercise is labelled with any sections whose contents are relevant. We recommend that instructors schedule the exercises to be done in groups during breaks in the taught content. However, it is important that participants also have some time away from their screens. Exercises can also be left as self-paced homework assignments if preferred.